Service enterprises must find the balance between such spheres as the relations with the customers, global resource management, services with the detailed cost control and assuring the expected financial results. These are the functions of this area:

  • Projects management and their accounting service
  • Creating budgets and cost control of the project
  • Portals for employees
  • Management of customers relations


Original AXACOM solutions for the service trade

A module for monitoring and debt collection, reporting.

Functional expansion of Microsoft Dynamics AX, which enables monitoring the debts, creating a set of overdue invoices for the court, and next controlling their stages. Due to the fact that this module is connected with the standard functionality of Microsoft Dynamics AX System reminders, we have the possibility to monitor the receiver from the very first reminder. The module makes it able to trace particular stages of recovery (Entry, Execution) for each stage of recovery, transactions for accounting the duplicates of debt updating are automatically created. The moment when the debt is paid by the receiver, updating transactions are generated. The module involves an additional element for the reports of debt analysis, the collation of invoices to the court, or the collation of debts for Euler Hermes. It is also possible to block the receiver according to the particular overdue time. The standard functionality of reminders has also been developed, and it is possible to send promp- notes by email.